Small dedicated car park which can be busy at times
Most main routes are pretty decent paths and quite wide. Is a hilly area, and if you go off-piste will be more uneven with some stepped sections and muddy in wet, but lots of great trails to explore. No stiles or gates.
No water here
No bins here
If you're a film buff worth googling this place as so many features have had scenes filmed here. Gladiator, Thor, Robin Hood, Harry Potter, The Crown, War Horse, Children of Men - loads more!
This isn't actually a huge area in itself, but there are lots of paths and routes so depending on how you criss-cross the terrain will depend on how long your walk is. We just ambled along the main paths for a while, then ventured off through the woods on the smaller trails every now and again too and really enjoyed the walk - feel free to follow my route but I would just recommend getting your GPS app on so you know which direction back it is to the car and then just explore.
The main open area which is where most of the filming locations are is found by following the direction of the main path from the car park, and around this are lots of forest areas to explore. It is quite a busy location with walkers but we still found plenty of space to run around.