Space for several cars in small car park just by the post box.
Easy flat walk along mainly gravel path. Boggy and uneven in woodlands but only if you want to go that way.
No water here
Poo bin in the car park
Can link this route with Southwater Country Park - search site for more details
Downs link routes are always very popular with users of this site as easily accessible and routes can basically go as long or short as you want, and it's just about picking where you want to start from!
From the car park we crossed the road and followed the path up until the underpass before heading back for a very quick walk - you can continue up into Southwater country park from here which isn't too far if you have time and want to go a bit further.
The paths are very long and straight, and never crowded but are popular with other walkers and cyclists too. On our route just before the underpass we found a little section of woodland paths to add a bit of variety.
*What three words location: ///fame.unusable.crunching